Managing your Business Cash Flow Over the Holiday Period

December is usually the busiest time of the year for retail and hospitality businesses. But businesses in other sectors often find that their sales slowdown and their customers stop paying them for a few months. So cash flow dries up. Whether your business is large or small, well-established or in start-up mode, you need to take a planned approach to managing cashflow during the holiday season. Here are few tips…  Read more


Inside: No tax deductions if you don’t meet your tax obligations Contractor or employee? Defining workers in the gig economy Tax on shares: ATO extends data matching program                                                                                    …  Read more

Bookkeeping Basics for Small Business Owners

On average, small business owners spend 10 hours each week recording, organizing, and processing financial transactions – everything from accounts receivable and payable, to employee payments, expense receipts and supplier invoices. While the process may be time-consuming (and tedious!), effective bookkeeping is the foundation of sound financial management – which in turn, is the lifeblood of your business. Feeling overwhelmed by mountains of paperwork and complex calculations? Here are three…  Read more

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